Agility Course Testing
We offer agility course testing multiple times throughout the year. We will always post on our main Facebook page as they are scheduled, with the premium and entry forms added below. Our next ACT test is scheduled for Sunday December 29, 2024. Please read the premium for more information.
The Agility Course Test (ACT) is an entry level agility event designed to introduce and welcome beginning dogs and their handlers to the AKC sport of agility. The rules governing an AKC performance event apply to ACT events.
There are two levels of ACT events for both jumpers and standard – ACT1 and ACT2. ACT1 is designed for the beginning level dog to show beginning sequencing and performance skills. ACT2 requires an increased skill level shown by the additional obstacles to be performed. Two rounds of each will be offered.
In addition to showing their dog’s entry level skills, exhibitors will learn to fill out an AKC entry form, check-in at the ring, taking their dog in and out of ring, handling their dog while being judged and other information that will help them when they move on to AKC agility trials with their dog. Dogs must be 15 months old to enter these events. They do not need to be AKC registered at the time of entry. If you pass AKC will notify you as to how to register your dog and get your new TITLE and CERTIFICATE !
ACT1 equipment that will be used
Single Bar Jumps Wing and Non Wing, Panel Jump, Table, AFrame, Tunnel, Tire
ACT2 equipment that will be used
Single Bar Jumps Wing and Non Wing, Panel Jump, Table, AFrame, Tunnel, Tire, Teeter, 6 weave poles, Double Jump, and Dog Walk.
ACT1 Jumpers will use jumps and tunnels.
ACT2 Will just jumps, tunnels, weaves.