Scent Work
Listed below are our class descriptions as well as our upcoming classes. We are currently transitioning from our current program to a new system. Classes that were already scheduled can be found to the right. All future classes will be found under the register button for their respective classes.
Please see below for full class descriptions. If you are unsure if a class is right for you, you may contact us for assistance and possible evaluation. For your ease we have listed all of our upcoming sessions to the right of the class descriptions. These are the start dates for each session and not the list of class dates. If you do not see the class you would like on our upcoming list, you may sign up on our wait list or please contact us and we can notify you when it does become available.
For general questions regarding policies, please click here.
For general questions regarding policies, please click here.
Level 1-Intro to Odor $175.00
This six-week class will teach your dog:
Odor Recognition
Rules & Regulations
How Air Currents and Odor Move
Basic Hides
Developing Alert Signals
Pre-Game Rituals
How to Enter a Trial
How Trials Work and What to Expect When You Get There
This six-week class will teach your dog:
Odor Recognition
Rules & Regulations
How Air Currents and Odor Move
Basic Hides
Developing Alert Signals
Pre-Game Rituals
How to Enter a Trial
How Trials Work and What to Expect When You Get There
Level 2-Odor Education/Building Confidence $175.00
This six-week class is for dogs who have been imprinted on odors but need to develop confidence in their search ability.
How Air Currents & Odor Move
Building Search Confidence
Teaching Problem Solving & Independence
Teaching How to Work Odor
Rock-Solid Alerts
Multiple Hides
Level 3-Experience with problems $175.00
This six-week class is for the dog that is confident about searching and has been successful at the lower levels. Classes may meet at different locations.
How Air Currents & Odor Move
Multiple Hides
Buried Hides
Working with Distractions
Complex Odor Problems to Build Confidence
Pressure On - Pressure Off?
Handler Discrimination
This six-week class is for the dog that is confident about searching and has been successful at the lower levels. Classes may meet at different locations.
How Air Currents & Odor Move
Multiple Hides
Buried Hides
Working with Distractions
Complex Odor Problems to Build Confidence
Pressure On - Pressure Off?
Handler Discrimination
Level 4-Advanced Skills $175.00
This six-week class is for dogs that have had at least two or three Level 3 classes and are approved by the instructor OR who are trialing at the Excellent, Master, and Detective (or Nosework 3) levels. Classes will meet in various locations.
Inaccessible hides
High hides
Unknown number of hides
Clear rooms/areas
Search Stamina
This six-week class is for dogs that have had at least two or three Level 3 classes and are approved by the instructor OR who are trialing at the Excellent, Master, and Detective (or Nosework 3) levels. Classes will meet in various locations.
Inaccessible hides
High hides
Unknown number of hides
Clear rooms/areas
Search Stamina
Handler Discrimination $120
A four-week class meeting once per week for one-hour.
Novice – Geared toward AKC Novice competition. Topics will include imprinting the dog to find the handler’s odor; transitioning into finding hidden handler’s odor; discrimination between the handler’s odor and other persons’ odor; preparation for competition.
Advanced – Preparing for AKC advanced levels of competition. Topics will include transitioning from an article to cotton swabs; various types of discrimination; working inside and outside; and possibly multiple hides.
A four-week class meeting once per week for one-hour.
Novice – Geared toward AKC Novice competition. Topics will include imprinting the dog to find the handler’s odor; transitioning into finding hidden handler’s odor; discrimination between the handler’s odor and other persons’ odor; preparation for competition.
Advanced – Preparing for AKC advanced levels of competition. Topics will include transitioning from an article to cotton swabs; various types of discrimination; working inside and outside; and possibly multiple hides.
Online Classes for level 3 & 4 $100
Students must have their own odor and scent vessels. They will give the instructor their initial goals. Each week, your instructor will design a search/skill problem(s) for them to work on. You will submit videos to a private Facebook group and the instructor will critique/comment. As needed, instructional videos will be loaded into the group for assistance.
Students must have their own odor and scent vessels. They will give the instructor their initial goals. Each week, your instructor will design a search/skill problem(s) for them to work on. You will submit videos to a private Facebook group and the instructor will critique/comment. As needed, instructional videos will be loaded into the group for assistance.